Web geographic information system designed for work with passport data of Masaryk University.

Open The Application

The main part of Kompas - the so-called core - contains mainly the data of the Construction Passport (buildings, rooms, doors, etc.) and tools for their search and display. In addition, it is possible to activate so-called modules that make additional data and tools available in the application.

The Technology System Passport module contains records of technological equipment, including their attributes. Logical connections and functional connections that can be traversed are also registered between devices from the given technology (but also from other technologies).

The Fire Protection module is used to display an overview of fire safety elements in buildings. It includes not only building elements and technological equipment, but also special layers (eg. fire compartments, escape routes, etc.).

Accessing the Application

Access to the application is limited by unified login, ie. you need a UČO and a primary password (a Sponsored Guest Account can be set up for people outside the university). The modules are accessible only to selected users and access to them must be explicitly requested.
Requirements for the creation of a Sponsored Account (for people outside the university who do not have a UČO) and requirements for access rights (Technology Passport, Fire Protection) can be entered into the interactive form directly in KOMPAS from the top bar on the User Card.

Interconnection With Other Systems

The core of KOMPAS draws data from the Central Register of Buildings and Rooms whose primary repository is INET. The connection is provided by clicking on the Detail of the selected object. This redirects you to the according section in INET - specifically to the Overview of buildings and rooms, Room information or Door information.

You can also click the button to the Register of Buildings and Rooms in IS. Here the structure might be slightly different, however, it generally corresponds to the structure in the Central Register.

The Detail also includes a click into the university CAFM system called Archibus. You can view documents for buildings or detailed information about doors and selected equipment of the technology passport, incl. maintenance information. Data on the date of revisions, service company, costs, including inspection reports and other documents are recorded. Access is subject to specific rights in Archibus. To get them assigned, please, contact the Facility Management Department of SUKB.

Downloading of the Data

The application offers several options for exporting the map and data. You can use the Print icon to save the current map view in PNG or PDF format. In the Detail of the selected object you will find the Export plan icon. Here you can configure the contents of the resulting file, which is generated via MapGEN. As a result you will get a representative output in the form of a map including the legend, scale, etc.

MU students and staff can also use the button to access the Data Storage of Drawing Documentation, from where they can download drawings in DWG format. MU external staff (so-called Guests) do not have this icon accessible. To obtain the drawing you must order a request from contact person (manager) from MU. This person will download and share it from the internal system.

Referencing to KOMPAS

KOMPAS has its own internal system for recognizing and processing information from URLs. In Detail, for example, you can display a link to the selected object via the icon.

Referencing Details

General URL forms:


Use case examples:



Mgr. Jan Tajovský

Team GIS, Information Systems Division, ICS

phone: +420 549 49 3333

Mgr. Bc. David Mikstein

Passport Team, Facility Management Division, SUKB

phone: +420 549 49 4198

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